Court & Hudson is a personal blog of me, Gwen Clark. I’m a 35 year old head of HR for a small chain of stores. I live in Sacramento, and originally I’m from Chico, California. Website name I got from one of my favorite street corners in New York City. I only visited there once, but I fell in love with that part of the city. It’s close to the skyscrapers of the city center but you would never know it if someone popped you in Court & Hudson. It looks more like a small town, calm and peaceful. Anyway, I hope to visit some time there again. As of now I’m a Sacramentan all the way. This is my city and I couldn’t imagine moving anywhere else.
This website is a personal blog of mine and here I plan on posting about the various interests that I have. On any given day I could be talking about fashion, food, home decor, tech or I could just be posting pictures of my cats. Oh yeah, I’m a proud owner of two cats, Mr. Tickles and Frodo. If you need to get in touch with me I’ve setup a contact page where people can send me a message. I’ll edit this page to add more info once I setup the rest of the website.